1972 Chevrolet Impala 4 door. 400 you tube video ava

Price: US $3,600.00 Item location: Mitchell, Nebraska, United States

1972 Chevrolet Impala

1972 chevy impala. 4 Door 400. Sbc. I belive turbo 350 trans. Runs well. Body is in fair condition paint is very weak. May buff out w the right compond. And. Experience. Has some rust. Mostly aways been a dry western car. But the person I got it from. Son. Went to college in Rhode Island. So the reason it has some rust now. Was under car port.when I got it. It was under the carport. For many years. Was org a green ish. Color. Tires have good tread. But are. Older. Loc near scottsbluff nebraska. GO TO YOU TUBE. PUT THESE WORDS IN A SEARCH. 1972 CHEVY IMPALA. FOR SALE WESTERN NE